Queensland Superhot is set to spice up Ballistic Brewing Co in November 2025

Date Published: 23/01/2025

QLD SUPERHOT FESTIVAL SMALLScarlett Habanero is not known for sitting on her laurels and this powerhouse “one-woman-organiser” has secured a venue for the much-anticipated two-day chilli festival in Queensland.

In 2025 the Queensland Superhot will become the first two-day chilli extravaganza in Queensland, being hosted at Ballistic Brewing Co at Salisbry.

“Vendors have long been nagging me to produce a two day event and I’ve decided that 2025 is the perfect time to so do,” said Ms Habanero.

This will be Habanero’s 11th chilli festival in Queensland since 2018, having produced the Briz Chilli Fest and Chillogan Chilli Fest since 2018, together with the one-off Ipswich Chilli Fest in 2022.

Her first venture out of Queensland will be the Sydney Superhot Chilli & BBQ Fest at the fabulous Entertainment Quarter on Sunday 18th May, 2025, which is already attracting the attention of chilli and barbecue vendors in that State.

“My events are held at dedicated venues and I put my hand in my pocket to find great locations to attract patrons in order that my vendors can enjoy great trading days.”

“I am committed to trying the hardest I can to ensure everyone goes away happy and I’m excited to be hosting my very first two-day event in Queensland”, she said.

Ballistic Brewing is in centrally-located Salisbury with great space to utilise for a festival.  There is ample parking in surrounding streets.

Interest parties can contact Scarlett on info@mychillifestival.com.au.