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Brisbane Chilli Festival is brewing up a spicy storm in 2024
We've pivoted to a Chili and Beer Festival to partner with Ballistic Brewing Co at Salisbury in 2024. All the usual fun and program of live music, challenges, raffles and costume awards, cooking demonstrations, fiery and plain food, activities for the kids, and a...
Sustainable gardening practices showcased at Chillogan Chilli & Rum Festival 2024
As more and more farming is required to feed Earth’s burgeonoing population, our soils are being degraded at alarming speed. A Logan-based company, EarthFoods, is changing that one day at a time with their amazing product using nature’s own biomes to put back what...
Briz Chilli and Beer Fest is at Ballistic Brewing Salisbury in 2024!
Yes, it's exciting news for beer and chilli lovers! The crew at Ballistic, led by Alex Sey, formerly of Sirromet Wines, is super excited to be hosting this year's festival at their spacious site on McCarthy Road, Salisbury, from 12-7pm on Sunday 27th October, 2024.'...
Logan District Model Railway Club – another guest at Chillogan Chilli & Rum Festival 2024
Little boys and girls love trains, and sometimes they grow up to become adults who love building model trains and creating “mini worlds” where their creations can come to life. One such organisation is Logan District Model Railway Club – they meet regularly to show...
Bush Kindy Teaching – our guest at Chillogan Chilli & Rum Festival 2024
At a recent Logan Women in Business Networking breakfast, our CCO Scarlett Habanero met the amazing Areta of Bush Kindy Teaching. If you thought that going to kindy meant going to a building and having a playground for your children to enjoy, think again! Areta just...
Supporting homeless veterans in Logan – Chillogan Chilli & Rum Festival 2024
The issue of homelessness is a growing one in almost every city and Logan is no exception. When homelessness touches the lives of our Veterans who served their country, it’s particularly concerning. Chillogan festival organiser, Scarlett Habanero, is known for...